


Hey Folks! Have you ever heard of "Om Nom Nom Nom" term? Well, it's just something that indicates an expression of eating, but who knows that an internet slang could become a name of a real place in Jakarta City? 

Yes people, what I meant is NOMZ Kitchen & Pastry Jakarta. With the idea of Australian upmarket cafes, this restaurant brings a great vibe to people who want to enjoy a comfortable ambience, freshness and finest quality of foods/desserts. This restaurant is owned by the young-genius Chef Arnold Poernomo, the Judge and Celebrity Chef in MasterChef Indonesia. No wonder, the foods are super nomz (read: tasty) and made professionally with full passion.

NOMZ Kitchen & Pastry - Jakarta, Indonesia

NOMZ is located at Grand Indonesia East Mall, Ground Floor, across Union Deli. The interior brings a great impression as they chose white brick walls and wooden furniture ideas for their main design. A timeless treasure, modern, classy, and beautiful looks indeed. 
Furthermore, I also love their front display since they present those enchanting and colorful desserts right beside the cashier. How could you resist for not buying them?

Moving on to the main menus, I ordered Half Roasted Chicken and Two Cheese Mac & Cheese. 

Half Roasted Chicken @ IDR 120.000

As for the Half Roasted Chicken, it is roasted nicely and decorated by cheesy cream corns & gremolata around it. This is one of the food dressings that I like, modest, neat, classy, and I am simply mesmerized by it. Besides that, the portion is fit for a person, the taste is amazing, and the soft texture of the chicken makes everything easier for people to cut or bite it. It is not crunchy but totally love it.

Two Cheese Mac & Cheese @ IDR 95.000

Next, Two Cheese Mac & Cheese is also a breathtaking meal, especially for cheese lovers. The main thing is macaroni and it is combined with shaved parmesan as well as aromatic parsley. I am actually a truly cheese lover and able to differentiate between the nice or bad ones, but Two Cheese Mac & Cheese is such a satisfying food. The cheese sauce tastes like real cheese and there is a good balance between the salt and parmesan. As for the food presentation, it is simple yet elegant. I recommend you guys to try this for brunch.

Left: Salted-Egg Yolk Lava Croissant @ IDR 30.000
Right: Salted Caramel Eclair @ IDR 35.000
And no, we are not finished yet. NOMZ is very famous of its Croissants and Desserts as well. Don't forget to grab your favorites or take away for your loved ones! I tried their Salted-Egg Yolk Lava Croissant and Salted Caramel Eclair. At the beginning, I did expected the Salted-Egg Yolk Lava Croissant to be savoury, but there is a sweetness combination in it, too. The texture is crunchy and the salted-egg yolk filling will melt in our mouth as we eat it.

Moreover, Salted Caramel Eclair also brings an addiction and it remains a popular dessert. The eclair is soft and the salted caramel glaze is richer than any other eclairs at other dessert shops. At first, I was slightly confused about which eclair that I should order as everything seems so dazzling. I was thinking between the baileys or salted caramel, and eventually ordered the caramel one. Want to know why? because it is more eye-catching and utterly cute with the presence of an edible chocolate spoon on its top. 

Overall, this is a right place for you guys who look for a nice meal/brunch with a comfortable ambience. It is highly recommended to try their pastries and desserts, too, because they really have a great taste! Happy eating, Folks!

Check this out:
Nomz Kitchen & Pastry
Grand Indonesia East Mall, Ground Floor #06-07
Jl. MH Thamrin, Central Jakarta, Indonesia
Opening Hours: Mon-Sun, 10 am - 10 pm
Phone: +6221 23581211

Instagram: @nomzjakarta

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